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JHU Social Compact

Each of us at Johns Hopkins shares a responsibility to keep ourselves and our community safe. The JHU Social Compact is our collective pledge to ensure that we will live, learn, and work together safely to bring the benefits of discovery to the world. 

Read the JHU Social Compact

As a member of the Johns Hopkins community, I commit to do my part to protect my physical and mental health and well-being and that of my fellow students, faculty, and staff. I affirm the need to follow the best practices identified by our Johns Hopkins experts and their colleagues to stem the spread of this pandemic, no matter where I am in the world. I know that there has never been a more urgent need to honor the pride we all have in the Johns Hopkins community and the impact we can make together. The actions each of us take determine our collective ability to come together in learning, service and discovery.

I commit to taking all appropriate precautions to keep myself and my friends, colleagues and neighbors safe and well. I will:

  • Monitor my health and report any symptoms to a healthcare professional and encourage my colleagues and peers to do the same
  • Wear a facial covering in public spaces indoors and outdoors at JH, as directed or required
  • Maintain appropriate physical distance
  • Wash and sanitize my hands frequently
  • Use the Prodensity app or website daily before coming to campus
  • Participate in required COVID-19 testing, contact tracing/investigation, self-isolation, and self-quarantine measures indicated by local health authorities or the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Call Center (JHCCC)
  • Follow university and local health guidance on the limitations of social gatherings
  • Meet the flu shot requirement
  • Adhere to all travel conditions and restrictions introduced by state and local authorities
  • Express concerns or suggestions via the Speak2Us hotline 1-844-SPEAK2US (1-844-773-2528)
  • Use the resources available to me to protect my own mental health and support my colleagues and peers

As a valued member of our JHU community, I will follow the guidelines presented in this compact not only to protect my own health, but so that my community at large can be well and thrive. I recognize the need to remind my peers and colleagues to follow the tenets of this compact to protect members of the community, particularly those with disabilities or risk factors that may not be visible, and to be open to reminders myself. By adhering to this JHU Compact, I affirm the trust that others are placing in me to keep the JHU community healthy, safe, and proud so that we may live, learn, and work together safely to bring the benefits of learning and discovery to the world.

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Grab your Social Compact digital badge and Zoom backgrounds here. Show you care on social by using  #JHNeedsU.

Hopkins Student Compact

More than 1,100 students have signed this public health pledge, created by and for students in fall 2020.